Sascha Lucas wrote:
Just some keywords:

easy with postfix: DNS round robin (solution inside DNS Server, nearly all MTAs are aware of this)

So DNS round robins between the two mail servers. A new mail comes into server1, how does this mail make it to server2.

mysql: not "multi master" ready, just redundancy "master->slave", try postgres

I don't see that Postgres supports multiple masters either. Circular replication under Mysql may be a possibility if your db traffic isn't too high.

apache: behaves in sens of "read only" -> LVS

cyrus: moast difficult part (shared storage/CFS,???) -> NAS|SAN+CFS+LVS+?dono?

The storage has to reside somewhere. If that site goes down, both servers go down. You either need both servers in the same site with shared storage or figure out how to do a shared nothing backend.

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