On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 21:11:09 +0000 (UTC)
James wrote:

> Nick Rout <nick <at> rout.co.nz> writes:
> > > Can I download any rpm, stick it in this directory
> > > and it will install with emerge? 
> > No it just means that you are downloading it manually instead of emerge
> > downloading it. This is because emerge fails at the download.
> OK
> > If emerge finds the file in /usr/portage/distfiles it doesn't try to
> > download it again, and it doesn't care how it got there.
> How does a gentoo system know the difference between an rpm file 
> that it can install  and a rpm file that it cannot or 
> should not install on a gentoo system?

portage gives the recipe for what files to install and how to install
them. Installing from an rpm is not a lot different to installing from
any other binary packaging method. An rpm is simply a conmpressed
collection of files and some metadata (such as dependency information
etc) and (optionally) some install and removal scripts.

If you want to know how portage deals with an rpm i suggest that you
READ the realplayer ebuild.


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