I use Gentoo to run all my boxen and I love it.  That being said, I have 
ALWAYS done a stage1 install.  Never had a single problem I couldn't fix.  
Then, suddenly, they switched everything to stage3 and removed a LOT of 
options from the Gentoo build process.  I LIKED being able to modify the 
bootstrap script.  I LIKED editing the ebuilds for certain important system 
packages during initial system build.  Why have they now decided to force us 
to rebuild our systems if we want to tweak settings?  Now I must use a larger 
hard disc for an install, as all ebuilds install userland binaries 
to /usr/bin, even if I want to install to /usr/local/netshare/bin as a 
network shared executable.  This a VERY inconvenient, since some system 
packages (loggers, cron daemons) can be installed on a single server and 
referenced from other boxen to reduce dependency on hard disk installs.  Just 
a rant here, but Gentoo used to be about choices.  Now one of the biggest 
choices in the Gentoo universe has been taken away from the user.  Is Gentoo 
becoming just another canned off-the-shelf *nix distro?

Joshua Armstrong

> > --
> > ---------------------------------
> > Derek Tracy
> > ---------------------------------
> --
> Daniel da Veiga
> Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
> Version: 3.1
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> PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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