On 11/17/05, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard Fish <bigfish <at> asmallpond.org> writes:
> > 1. Try upgrading to a more recent version of udev.  The current ~x86
> > version is 073.
> Tried this first, (added ~x86 to packages.keywords and emerged udev)
> Did not work. This look reasonable so I'll stay on version 073 of udev
> for

Ok, I would also suggest filing a bug report against udev on
bugs.gentoo.org, with the model of your DVD drive, and the output of
the cdrom_id

> Now:
> cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
> KERNEL=="hdc", NAME="%k", GROUP="cdrom", ACTION=="add",
> SYMLINK+="dvd%e", IMPORT="/sbin/cdrom_id --export $tempnode"

Is this one line or two?  It should be a single line.

> > > Which startup script do I edit to start logging to /var/log/messages?
> I can swith if you think it's necessary to debug this problem?

Nope, not necessary for now I think...


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