> ive been trying to setup a mail server following the how-to at
> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Linux_Virtual_Hosting_Server#Virtual_Mail_Hosting
> and everything seems to have been setup correctly, but i keep getting these
> errors and cant login

I know I had to reduce the set of authentication modules in
/etc/courier/authlib/authdaemonrc to get my install of courier-imap to
let me login properly... I changed

authmodulelist="authuserdb authpam authshadow authldap authmysql
authcustom authpipe"

to just

authmodulelist="authpam authshadow"

...and that resolved my problems. I seem to recall errors about
invalid MySQL configuration, though, which is what twigged me to the
problem... maybe your issue is somewhat similar?

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