On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 14:54:29 -0600 Michael Sullivan
| Our cable internet service goes out frequently (and probably even more
| frequently now that winter has come to OKlahoma.)  When it goes out,
| pretty much everything on my Gentoo system slows down.  It's gotten to
| where just to get an application (like gnumeric) to open I have to su
| - to root and shut down /etc/init.d/net.eth0 until the Internet comes
| back on.  This morning the internet was out and I'd shut down
| net.eth0 and then tried to run monodevelop and it refused to start
| giving me some message about my PC's hostname not being set correctly
| in /etc/hosts.  I checked it and /etc/hosts was correct.  Must just
| be a glitch with monodevelop.  My question is what is it about Gentoo
| that relies so heavily on connecting to the internet?  My network was
| running just fine
| - just the connection between the cable modem and the internet was
| down, but everything inside my router should have been fine...

Hrm. It's nothing in the base system. I sometimes run my laptop without
network, and I don't have issues. Chances are some app you're running
is trying to do lots of DNS queries... Does 'top' tell you anything

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (The one that looks before leaping)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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