> > If I try to take a picture:
> > 
> > /usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/video0 snap jpeg 320x240
> > /home/dae51d/public_html/nokia_cam.jpg
> > /usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/video1 snap jpeg 320x240
> > /home/dae51d/public_html/ittybitty_cam.jpg
> > 
> > Then the first one works fine, but the second one is failing with:
> > 
> > v4l2: open /dev/video1: No such device
> > v4l2: open /dev/video1: No such device
> > v4l: open /dev/video1: No such device
> > no grabber device available
> yes, you probably have one bttv device with a number of inputs. you
> need to switch inputs. they are usually called TV, Composite, S-Video
> etc. If there is more than one composite they might be called
> Composite-1, Composite-2 etc
> On the other hand they may be audio inputs? 4 composite inputs is
> rather excessive I would have thought.

The PCI card looks kind of like this one:
But it has 3 RCA Inputs and and S-VIDEO input (see bottom of page)

> By the way which package does v4lctl come in?

# equery belongs v4lctl
[ Searching for file(s) v4lctl in *... ]
media-tv/xawtv-3.94-r1 (/usr/bin/v4lctl)

> ok it is part of xawtv. just refreshing myself, you can see a list of
> available parameters with
> v4lctl -c /dev/video0 list

attribute  | type   | current | default | comment
norm       | choice | PAL     | PAL     | PAL NTSC SECAM PAL-Nc PAL-M PAL-N
input      | choice | Televis | Televis | Television Composite1 S-Video
audio mode | choice | mono    | mono    | mono stereo lang1 lang2
bright     | int    |   32768 |   32768 | range is 0 => 65535
contrast   | int    |   32768 |   32768 | range is 0 => 65535
color      | int    |   32768 |   32768 | range is 0 => 65535
hue        | int    |   32768 |   32768 | range is 0 => 65535
mute       | bool   | off     | off     |
chroma agc | bool   | off     | off     |
combfilter | bool   | off     | off     |
automute   | bool   | on      | off     |
luma decim | bool   | off     | off     |
agc crush  | bool   | on      | off     |
vcr hack   | bool   | off     | off     |
whitecrush | int    |     207 |     207 | range is 0 => 255
whitecrush | int    |     127 |     127 | range is 0 => 255

So this doesn't mention anything about the inputs.

I would have thought they would be /dev/video0 ... Video2

Since the way that I take a snap with one camera attached to the card is
like this:
/usr/bin/v4lctl -c /dev/video0 snap jpeg 320x240

Notice the "-c /dev/video0"

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