On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 16:01 +0100, Uwe Klosa wrote:
> Did you import your settings from an older OO version? I had that issue with 
> the binary version upgrading from 1.x. So I did a clean 
> install with the source code version.
> Uwe

What do you mean "import your settings from an older OO version"?
I had a binary version installed, so what I did was un-merge binary
version 1.x first and compile OO 2.0 from source code.


> > 
> > I've compile OO 2.0 without any errors.
> > But when I just open and save a spreadsheet OO 2.0 crashed on me with
> > [signal.11].  
> > Not a good symptom.

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