On Dec 1, 2005, at 4:28 AM, Michael Kintzios wrote:

Thanks John,

Let me understand this right:  Have you installed cups on the laptop?
Any printer drivers?  When you run localhost:631 in a browser on your
laptop, what do you see under printers when the laptop is connected to
the mac and what when it's not?  (assuming you restart cupsd on each
case to refresh its status).

yes, cups on the laptop. cups shows my laserjet, and the internal fax modem of the mac. when it's not, no printers show up. it's magic :)

PS. An OT question - I am really curious what is the default mac
firewall settings. Can you please post the output of: # iptables - L -v
not helpful, since the mac's not linux.  no iptables.

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