Neil Bothwick wrote:

>On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 04:59:55 -0600, Dale wrote:
>>>What's wrong with /usr/portage/distfiles?
>>Well, I'm not sure I get what you are asking.  I don't think putting the
>>latest CD that was converted to mp3 should be stored in the distfiles
>>directory though.  They do have this thing called a Documents folder for
>>that.  LOL
>He isn't downloading mp3s, he is downloading source tarballs to emerge on
>another machine. since some of those tarballs are probably already
>in /usr/portage/distfiles, it seems a reasonable place to put them all,
>then just put the ones he needs onto a CD.
That was confusing me.  I don't use wget.  That said, source tarballs go
in the distfiles directory, not the portage directory.  Basically, he
put something, doesn't really matter what, in the portage directory. 
When he did his emerge sync, it got deleted because it was not a
directory on the rsync server.  If he had put it in the distfiles
directory, he would have been OK.  The sync up would not have deleted it
then.  That is also why I made the comment about putting mp3s on the
rsync server.  The next time you or I done a sync, we would get them
too.  LOL

Anyway, source tarballs in distfiles, snapshot in portage.  Put the rest
somewhere else.  o_O


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


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