Steven Susbauer wrote:
Yes I'm aware of that, what I don't know is what drive to partition, format and mount. In an IDE it is /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, etc. In this I have no clue...

On 12/8/05, * maxim wexler* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Livecd found the drive but you have to format/mount

    --- Steven Susbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    > Hey, I just got my first amd system in a long time.
    > It has a 250gb sata
    > drive and the Gentoo live cd has some dmesg messages
    > about nvsata or
    > similar, but it doesn't say anything about where
    > it's stuck in the dev tree.
    > Does the Gentoo live cd support nvidia nforce4 sata
    > interfaces? Do I have to
    > do anything special to add in support at boot and
    > where would I find it in
    > the dev tree? I didn't have anything like /dev/sda.
    > Thanks a bunch.
    > --
    > ------------------------
    > Steven Susbauer

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Steven Susbauer
Most likely it's /dev/sda. Try cfdisk /dev/sda and see if it shows up. SATA are treated like SCSI devices, so it should be there.

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