I've had an `emerge -v kde' running for hours and this morning I find
it has errored out while compiling kdenetwork.  I can't really figure
out what this error might mean but it appears it might be somekind of
fs problem in /tmp.  I've inlined a hefty snipped from the tail of
output below but first let me ask something more simple.

What should permissions on /tmp look like in a normal system?
I see tmp is chmod 755 but shouldn't it be something like 1777?

I've umounted /tmp ran mkfs.ext3 re mounted then chmod 1777 and now
running what appears to be a successfull (so far) compile of

Anyone recognize this error output?


-no-undefined -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined -R
/usr/kde/3.4/lib -R /usr/kde/3.4/lib -R /usr/qt/3/lib -R /usr/lib
latexplugin.lo latexconfig.lo ../../libkopete/libkopete.la rm -rf
latexprefsbase.h; /usr/qt/3/bin/uic -L
/usr/kde/3.4/lib/kde3/plugins/designer -nounload ./latexprefsbase.ui |
/usr/bin/perl -pi -e "s,public QWizard,public KWizard,g; s,#include
<qwizard.h>,#include <kwizard.h>,g" >> latexprefsbase.h ;
/usr/qt/3/bin/moc ./latexpreferences.h -o latexpreferences.moc /bin/sh
../../../libtool --silent --tag=CXX --mode=compile i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../..  -I../../../kopete/libkopete
-I../../../kopete/libkopete/ui -I../../../kopete/libkopete/ui
-I/usr/kde/3.4/include -I/usr/qt/3/include -I.  -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
-D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long
-Wundef -ansi -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wcast-align
-Wconversion -Wchar-subscripts -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
-DNDEBUG -DNO_DEBUG -O2 -Os -march=pentium4 -pipe -Wformat-security
-Wmissing-format-attribute -fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -fno-common
-fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -fno-common -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE

[HERE] latexpreferences.lo latexpreferences.cpp ext3_abort called.  EXT3-fs

error (device hdb5): ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal
Remounting filesystem read-only ../../../libtool: line 1059: cannot
create temp file for here document: Read-only file system
../../../libtool: line 1138: cannot create temp file for here document:
Read-only file system /usr/qt/3/bin/moc latexprefsbase.h -o
latexprefsbase.moc rm -f latexprefsbase.cpp echo '#include <kdialog.h>'
> latexprefsbase.cpp echo '#include <klocale.h>' >> latexprefsbase.cpp
/usr/qt/3/bin/uic -L /usr/kde/3.4/lib/kde3/plugins/designer -nounload
-tr tr2i18n -i latexprefsbase.h ./latexprefsbase.ui >
latexprefsbase.cpp.temp ; ret=$?; \ /usr/bin/perl -pe "s,tr2i18n( \"\"
),QString::null,g" latexprefsbase.cpp.temp | /usr/bin/perl -pe
"s,tr2i18n( \"\"\, \"\" ),QString::null,g" | /usr/bin/perl -pe
"s,image([0-9][0-9]*)_data,img\$1_latexprefsbase,g" | /usr/bin/perl -pe
"s,: QWizard\(,: KWizard(,g" >> latexprefsbase.cpp ;\ rm -f
latexprefsbase.cpp.temp ;\ if test "$ret" = 0; then echo '#include
"latexprefsbase.moc"' >> latexprefsbase.cpp; else rm -f
latexprefsbase.cpp ; exit $ret ; fi /bin/sh ../../../libtool --silent
--tag=CXX --mode=compile i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
-I. -I. -I../../..  -I../../../kopete/libkopete
-I../../../kopete/libkopete/ui -I../../../kopete/libkopete/ui
-I/usr/kde/3.4/include -I/usr/qt/3/include -I.  -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
-D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long
-Wundef -ansi -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wcast-align
-Wconversion -Wchar-subscripts -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
-DNDEBUG -DNO_DEBUG -O2 -Os -march=pentium4 -pipe -Wformat-security
-Wmissing-format-attribute -fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -fno-common
-fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -fno-common -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE
latexprefsbase.lo latexprefsbase.cpp ../../../libtool: line 982: cannot
create temp file for here document: Read-only file system
../../../libtool: line 1059: cannot create temp file for here document:
Read-only file system ../../../libtool: line 1138: cannot create temp
file for here document: Read-only file system /bin/sh ../../../libtool
--silent --tag=CXX --mode=link i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -Wnon-virtual-dtor
-Wno-long-long -Wundef -ansi -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE
-Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wchar-subscripts -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith
-Wwrite-strings -DNDEBUG -DNO_DEBUG -O2 -Os -march=pentium4 -pipe
-Wformat-security -Wmissing-format-attribute -fno-exceptions
-fno-check-new -fno-common -fno-exceptions -fno-check-new -fno-common
-DQT_NO_TRANSLATION -o kcm_kopete_latex.la -rpath /usr/kde/3.4/lib/kde3
-module -no-undefined -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined
-avoid-version -module -no-undefined -Wl,--no-undefined
-Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined -R /usr/kde/3.4/lib -R /usr/kde/3.4/lib -R
/usr/qt/3/lib -R /usr/lib -L/usr/kde/3.4/lib -L/usr/qt/3/lib -L/usr/lib
latexpreferences.lo latexprefsbase.lo latexconfig.lo -lkutils libtool:
link: `latexprefsbase.lo' is not a valid libtool object make[5]: ***
[kcm_kopete_latex.la] Error 1 make[5]: Leaving directory
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory
`/var/tmp/portage/kdenetwork-3.4.1-r1/work/kdenetwork-3.4.1' make: ***
[all] Error 2

!!! ERROR: kde-base/kdenetwork-3.4.1-r1 failed.  !!! Function
kde_src_compile, Line 173, Exitcode 2 !!! died running emake,
kde_src_compile:make !!! If you need support, post the topmost build
error, NOT this status message.

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