On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 05:52:56PM -0800, Penguin Lover Daevid Vincent squawked:
> Is there any recommended text viewer/editor whereby I can easily step
> through the files (previous/next file), read .gz files, jump to the end of a
> file, and most importantly, delete the current file?

Perhaps less with the LESSOPEN and LESSCLOSE environmental variables
set? Try this:

put the following in /root/portlogclose.sh

contents of /root/portlogclose.sh
#! /bin/sh
rm -i $2

chmod that 700

and do the following:

 # LESSOPEN="echo %s" LESSCLOSE="/root/portlogclose.sh %s %s" less 

It should prompt you everytime you move between files whether you want
the current file deleted or not. Just type Y or N and enter. The keys
won't echo onto the screen. 

Faye:     You almost had a date! But you got dumped at the last minute
    in favor of an epiphany.
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