On Tuesday 13 December 2005 03:33 pm, michael higgins wrote:
> Some time ago, I moved my /usr/lib folder to a separate partition to
> net some space on /. Now, I want to fix my partitions on that second
> drive, so I've moved all the linux folders to / again. (The /usr/lib
> files are in a folder called /usr/lib2 for now.)
> Does anyone know what will happen if I try to
> umount -l, remove the /usr/lib mountpoint, and rename /usr/lib2 to
> /usr/lib?

Should be fine as long as nothing starts any more processes (that need 
libraries in /usr/lib) between the 'umount' and the 'mv'.  Also, you 
system may still be accessing the partition you've umount-d (since you 
used -l) so you really won't be safe modifying it (deleting the 
partition, etc.)

> Any suggestions appreciated.

You may be able to go down to single user mode with
init 1
and stop any remaining services, which might free up your /usr/lib.
If that doesn't work you may be able to use 'fuser' to kill the 
processes accessing /usr/lib forcefully.  You can get a list of the 
processes with
fuser -mv /usr/lib

mount -o bind / /mnt
rm /mnt/usr/lib
mv /mnt/usr/lib2 /mnt/usr/lib
umount /mnt
vim /etc/fstab
/* Remove the line that mounts /usr/lib */

After you reboot the offending partition should no longer be mounted, 
but this is really not much better than umount -l.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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