Hoping some of you may know the ins and outs of somekind of privacy
precautions for files on disk with such things as software reg keys,
passwrds to various stuff, and stupidly... credit card numbers etc.

I'm on a single user machine so the threat is from network more than
console.  Also I keep backup copies on a remote machine that I don't
control and is part of the big bad internet.

I've visualized something that somehow encrypts a directory or
several.  But in a handy way where it can be opened and used several
times daily without bringing a lunch.

I thought since I'm well familiar with tar and gzip it might be
something to tar.gz the directories and encrypt the result.  Deleting
the source.

But I'm hoping there may be stuff even easier and less time intensive.

The amount of data is under 10 mb always and in fact stands around
1.6mb at present.

I looked a bit at BestCrypt but decided its a big poorly documented
pain in the butt.  Needs kernel mods etc etc.

I wondered if something as simple as passworded rar files might fill
the bill.

What options are out there?

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