Martin S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I recently did something similar only never got past thining I might
do it....  I too had gotten my OS pretty unstable by not really
understanding how keywording etc worked.  I still don't really fully
get it but I came back thinking I'd stay with stable.

> Back to Gentoo. And battling my own errors...
> I think I'll run the stable branch this time though.

What had happened to cause you to need to reinstall?

For me it was running:

     ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge -vuD world

Not realizing the repercussions, like that all dependancies would be
unmasked too.

That eventuall got me into a pretty big mess.

When I reinstalled gentoo my plan was to stay with stable like you.
However I soon scrapped that too.  Kde is about to jump to kde-3.5
being stable I think and when I went to install kde it wanted to
install kde-3.4.3 meaning I'd soon be grinding through all of kde
again. Posters have argued that compiling kde is really so bad but I
still think its really a time waster.

Trying to unmask stuff soon turned into a pita although it can be

I just started running with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" in /etc/make.conf
and decided to let the chips fall where they may.  At least I don't
have to fiddle around with a mixture of stable and masked.
I doubt that above would be seen as very good plan by many though.

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