Richard Fish wrote:

Yep, that is pretty hosed. ;->

You can find a binary in the stage tarballs on the
Gentoo CD, or KNOPPIX, or maybe on one of your other systems.  Just
copy it to /usr/lib, and you should be able to run portage.

You could also try symlinking .5 to .6.  That is a trick that has
worked for me with some libraries, but there are no guarantees there.


I'm going to give that a try. I looked on my old rig and it is in something like /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.3.6. It didn't work then either. Maybe your way is the correct way. Some symlink thing or something. I have copies though. I have two installs, one up to date and one a few months old. It's funny that the new KDE won't let me copy over fish. I get a error message though. I have to login to KDE 3.4 to copy over files to my servers. Strange huh? Guess that is why it is masked. Guess it is why I'm not cleaning out KDE 3.4 too.
Thanks for the help.  It sort of sucks right now.  :(


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.

I have four rigs:

1:  Home built; Abit NF7 ver 2.0 w/ AMD 2500+ CPU, 1GB of ram and right now two 
80GB hard drives.
2:  Home built; Iwill KK266-R w/ AMD 1GHz CPU, 256MBs of ram and a 4GB drive.
3:  Home built; Gigabyte GA-71XE4 w/ 800MHz CPU, 128MBs of ram and a 2.5GB 
4:  Compaq Proliant 6000 Server w/ Quad 200MHz CPUs, 128MBs of ram and a 4.3GB 
SCSI drive.

All run Gentoo Linux, all run folding. #1 is my desktop, 2, 3, and 4 are set up as servers.
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