On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:16:39 -0500 Jerry McBride
| > Wrong solution. You do realise that the "updating Portage cache"
| > thing is due to a Portage deficiency, 
| "Portage deficency"? You mean the fact that python scans some
| thousands of files in the file based database, writing as it goes?

Nope. The fact that Portage uses that second level of cache at all.

| > and that the real cache is centrally generated, right?
| Yup, from thousands of files in the file based database...
| Portage is a wonderful tool for package management, but the sheer
| size of the beast begs for movig it to C and a proper database. I
| remember in the early days of my gentoo experience that portage
| wasn't a bother. But as ebuilds are added to portage and my choice of
| installed ebuilds grows... portage has become quite a slug
| performance wise. I guess this is where the IT types step in and say
| it scales poorly.

The scalability issues have nothing to do with us using files.

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (I can kill you with my brain)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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