Am Freitag, den 30.12.2005, 02:34 -0800 schrieb Jessica Rasku:
> I'm trying to setup my PDA and it just refuses to sync.  Using
> pilot-xfer I will get a cannot bind to port error:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ until [ -e /dev/pilot ]; do sleep 1; done;  pilot-xfer\ 
> -l
>    No $PILOTPORT specified and no -p <port> given.
>    Defaulting to '/dev/pilot'
>    Unable to bind to port: /dev/pilot
>    Please use --help for more information

Funny coincidence - had the same problem today.

My Palm is a Tungsten E without a craddle - just an USB cable. To be
able to use that I need a couple of things:

1. Kernel

2. Loading modules in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 with

visor vendor=0x0830 product=0x0060

That'll both load visor and usbserial.

In /etc/udev/rules.d/10-visor.rules:
KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", NAME="tts/USB%n", GROUP="usb", MODE="0666"
BUS="usb", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL="ttyUSB[13579]",
SYMLINK="pilot", MODE="0666", GROUP="usb"

In /etc/udev/permissions.d/10-visor.permissions

4. Hotplug should have been emerged and running

5. Testing

Now add your user(s) to the group usb, press Hotsync on your Palm device
and check if /dev/tts/USB0 and /dev/tts/USB1 have been created by UDEV
and a symlink /dev/pilot exists.

If that's true run pilot-xfer -p /dev/pilot --list while your Palm still
is trying to hotsync. pilot-xfer should be able to connect now.

If you're using Gnome I recommend using the gnome-pilot-applet. Works
like a charm with Evolution.

> I'm not sure where to go from here.  I've read several howtos, and have
> not gotten anywhere beyond this.  Most things with gentoo have `just
> worked' though I'm not sure why this is posing a problem.  Any help
> would be apreciated.  Thank you for your time.
>                                                       Jessica

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