On Monday 16 January 2006 11:48, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > Is it possible to increase the verbosity of the emerge.log,
> > specifically I am intersted in capturing any "messages" that occour
> > during an emerge world, for example if 10 packages get updated and one
> > of them was python then I would need to run python-updater But if that
> > occurred during a long list of packages I would not see that message
> > unless it happened to be the last on the list,
> This is already possible with portage-2.1_pre3-r1. You can have the elog,
> ewarn, einfo etc. message saved to a file, mailed to you or passed to a
> custom program. See the PORTAGE_ELOG* settings in /etc/make.conf.example.

As long as portage-2.1_pre3-r1 is unstable you can use the portlog-info script 
to retrieve these informations. For example
# portlog-info -s 1h -i
prints out the einfos of the last hour.
for further information.
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