On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 12:48:38PM +0200, Penguin Lover David Harel squawked:
> Willie Wong wrote:
> >More information? What program did you use to play the wma file? What
> >do you mean by "anything else from that moment"? Do you mean anything
> >else played with the same software? Or all sounds for your entire
> >system?
> >
> There was a sequence of operations. I tried amarok which didn't play the 
> clip then I tried mplayer which did play the clip but speedy then 
> anything I played on any software tool was twice the speed (entire system).

Okay, a few more questions:
  1) Is that behavior reproducible? 
    a) If you reboot, does the sound play normally?
    b) After the reboot, if you play that same wma file again, does it
       break sound still?
  2) Do you run any sound daemons? (ESD, aRts, etc.)
  3) By any software tool, did you include aplay? If not, find some
     wav file, and run it through aplay. If you don't have wav files
     handy, do 
        sox <soundfile> -t wav - | aplay
     use some <soundfile> that is known to be good, not the wma file
     the causes problem. If you don't have sox, emerge it. 

W: What I could really use now is a dose of triple expresso.
M: I am afraid the coffee shop ain't open this time of day.
W: Well, in that case, a dose of quantum mechanics will just have to do.
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