On 18 January 2006 20:36, James wrote:
> Well, hopefully, we're all familiar with the status line of an
> 'emerge sync'    >>> Updating Portage cache:   50%
> Right before that, every time I sync I get this message:
> speedup is 8.20
> After months/years of 'speedup'  it should run very fast
> in seconds, (or at least one would think).....
> Is this 'cruel & unusual' of is this the devs enjoying
> some humor at our expense.....?
> PS (please don't take it seriously, as it's _HUMOR)
> awe, 5 minutes later, it's 51%.....but we have 'speedup'.

Actually, this is gone. Maybe you should try an "emerge --sync" and update 
portage afterwards. ;-)


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