On (19/01/06 18:15), Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> On 12/29/2005 3:33 PM Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> >I have a AMD Athlon 2800+ processor running on a Asus A7N8X Deluxe 
> >motherboard.  This motherboard uses the Nvidia NForce2 chipset.  It 
> >has both an Nvidia and a 3Com 100 mbps network adapter integrated.
> >
> >Initially I used the Nvidia network adapter but noticed a lot of Rx 
> >errors.  The "errors" and the "frame errors" matched exactly.  I did 
> >the standard testing to try and isolate the problem.  I tried known 
> >working patch cables and known working hub ports.  Then when the 
> >errors persisted, I even moved the box to a known working cable run.  
> >The errors remained.
> >
> >So I figured that the actual port on the motherboard must be bad.  I 
> >recompiled my kernel with 3Com networking support and began using the 
> >3Com port but I am still getting errors.  Here's my current 'ifconfig' 
> >output:
> >
> >eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:26:54:0C:60:8D          inet 
> >addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> >         RX packets:131785 errors:481 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:760
> >         TX packets:168955 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> >         collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
> >         RX bytes:27189676 (25.9 Mb)  TX bytes:169280962 (161.4 Mb)
> >         Interrupt:18 Base address:0xb000
> >
> >The errors have changed a little in that now the "frame errors" exceed 
> >the "errors".  How can that be?  I must not understand the output.  
> >Anyway, I'm starting to think I may have some configuration issues as 
> >I find it hard to believe that both ports are bad.  I'm a Gentoo 
> >newbie and started with kernel 2.11.  I've upgraded once to 2.13-r5 
> >which is where I'm at now.  I have not changed any networking 
> >parameter from their defaults as far as I recall.  Any ideas on what 
> >might be going on?
> I'm still having this issue.  A networking guy told me that framing 
> errors can typically come when the two ends of the connection (card and 
> switch) are not set to the same parameters such as half-duplex vs. 
> full-duplex.  He suggested I try forcing both ends to be the same and 
> see if the errors go away.
> However this is just a cheap 8 port TrendNet switch that doesn't have 
> any management capability.  Thus I thought I'd try forcing the NIC to 
> one way or the other and see if the errors are resolved.  I've Googled 
> for information on how to (a) find out the current setting and (b) 
> change the setting but have been unsuccessful.  Can any one point me in 
> the right direction?
> Thanks,
> Drew
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For setting up NICs check: mii-diag or better ethtool (both are in portage).
Read the corresponding  man pages for needed options.

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