On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 18:54:12 -0500, Philip Webb wrote:

> > Apwal looks rather neat. How did you tie it to the LMB in KDE?
> KDE Control Centre -> Desktop -> Behaviour -> General tab ->
>   mouse-button actions -> Left button -> Custom menu 1 -> edit

You hcan halve the number of actions by right-clicking on the desktop and
selecting configure desktop - unless you've changed it.

> I assume I entered 'apwal', tho' it says 'Xterm' in the box now.
> I have  ~/.kde/share/config/kdesktop_custom_menu1 ,

OK that works, so of. It gives me a menu with only apwal on it, which I
then select to run apwal. I was hoping that I could link it directly to
the LMB, otherwise I may as well put the programs in the custom menu
rather than going through apwal, nice as it is.

Neil Bothwick

Famed tautologist dies of suicide in distressing tragedy

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