Hi Michael,
on Tuesday, 2006-01-17 at 20:18:16, you wrote:
> Plone in portage hasn't changed in a very long time. I recommend you 
> get the new ebuilds from 
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105187 and install them, then 
> put your comments in that bug to let the devs know that it's working.
> Or, if you want, you can modify the 1.0.4 ebuild to accept poppler.

I just switched to the unstable portaltransforms for now, and all is
fine. Otherwise I'd have had to use portage overlays and thing swould
have been more complicated -- the "unstable" version seems to be only
this fix and a minor patch ahead so it's probably less problematic than


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