Richard Fish <bigfish <at>> writes:

> > > tree shows the dependency/reverse dependency tree of the items to be
> > > emerged, so you can see why something being emerged/upgraded as a
> > > dependency of something that is currently up-to-date is being emerged
> > > (and what the main application is). Example:

> > Yes, but nothing jumps out to me as being a problem that is
> > not already mentioned (php, mod_php, PEAR)

> Your problems is:

> [nomerge      ] net-analyzer/jffnms-0.8.2  +mysql +postgres +snmp [1]


> jffnms is not in the official portage tree, so I assume this is in
> your overlay.  If you downloaded the ebuild from, that
> ebuild depends on dev-php/php, dev-php/mod_php, and dev-php/PEAR-PEAR.
>  But all current builds of PEAR-PEAR block dev-php/php and
> dev-php/mod_php, so you cannot complete your merge.

> You need to fix the dependancies in your jffnms ebuild, or get someone
> else to do it for you.

Bug 92501 has the history...

OK, I do not know how to fix the ebuild. Futhermore, it took 6 months
of pleading and begging to get that one(0.8.2) done. So I guess jffnms
on gentoo is dead? I'll post to the bug(92501), but there has not been
any activity on jffnms since oct'05.... That's a dam shame because,
although a bit complicated, jffnms is the king of network management
packages, particularly strong with snmp and cisco routers (netflow)

The instruction page was never completed:

I just ran 'emerge jffnms'
and the jffnms package skipped compiling and installed?

emerge jffnms
Calculating dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge (1 of 1) net-analyzer/jffnms-0.8.2 to /
>>> md5 files   ;-) jffnms-0.8.2.ebuild
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-jffnms-0.8.2
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) jffnms-0.8.2.tar.gz
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking jffnms-0.8.2.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/jffnms-0.8.2/work
>>> Source unpacked.
>>> Test phase [not enabled]: net-analyzer/jffnms-0.8.2

>>> Install jffnms-0.8.2 into /var/tmp/portage/jffnms-0.8.2/image/ category
 * JFFNMS has been partialy installed on your system. However you
 * still need proceed with final installation and configuration.
 * You can visit in order
 * to get detailed information on how to get jffnms up and running.
strip: i386-pc-linux-gnu-strip --strip-unneeded
>>> Completed installing jffnms-0.8.2 into /var/tmp/portage/jffnms-0.8.2/image/

>>> Merging net-analyzer/jffnms-0.8.2 to /
--- /opt/
>>> /opt/jffnms/


>>> /opt/jffnms/INSTALL
>>> /opt/jffnms/Changelog
>>> Regenerating /etc/
>>> net-analyzer/jffnms-0.8.2 merged.
>>> Recording net-analyzer/jffnms in "world" favorites file...

>>> clean: No packages selected for removal.

>>> Auto-cleaning packages ...

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

 * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.

This is curious.....


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