Some of the problems reported and fixed until now:

- 'eselect set mysql 1' - wrong command order - user error.
= it is "eselect mysql set 1"

- running the correct eselect command gets this strange output to
  stderr: 'find: mysql: No such file or directory'. I've got the strace
  output, but I can't find WHERE find is being called from.
= fixed, app-admin/eselect-mysql-1.0.0-r1

- Same user as the last item, the /etc/mysql and /etc/init.d/mysql-500
  symlinks were NOT created.
= fixed, app-admin/eselect-mysql-1.0.0-r1

- If the service name is /etc/init.d/mysql-$VER, please make it look in
  /etc/mysql-$VER/ for it's configuration by default, instead of
= mysql installed files already do this, if you have a previous
/etc/mysql directory
  eselect-mysql can't symlink /etc/mysql-500 to /etc/mysql, rename
/etc/mysql to
  something else and run "eselect mysql set 1 " again .

- Error that shows up in building:

Unpacking mysql-4.1.16.tar.gz to /t/portage/mysql-4.1.16-r30/work
Unpacking mysql-extras-20060115.tar.bz2 to /t/portage/mysql-4.1.16-r30/work
/usr/portage/eclass/mysql_fx.eclass: line 57: local: `,': not a valid
 * using "010_all_slot-my-print-default-r1.patch"

Another two.
- innodb seems to act weird, because of this stuff
  #GENTOO#innodb_buffer_pool_size     = 16M
  As the defaults that are actually used because of the commenting don't
  match the current settings.
fixed, INCVS, to avoid reinstall edit the /etc/mysql-500/my.cnf and remove
every occurence of "#GENTOO#" string.

- User has a 60Gb MySQL database . They arranged 60Gb of space to try and
  make the dump into, but even as mysqldump | bzip2 -9 >file.bz2, it didn't
  fit into the 60Gb of space. How safe is moving the data directory?

= This is because dump are ascii data, bigger than binary tables unless
u have _huge_ indices.
  switching say from dev-db/mysql-5.0.18 to dev-db/mysql-5.0.18-r30 is
_totally_ safe
  do one of these two things:
  a) stop the databases, then _move_ the data from /var/lib/mysql to
  b) change "datadir" value in "/etc/mysql-500/my.cnf to" "/var/lib/mysql"

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