Dave Nebinger wrote:

>> How is it shown file is compiled on localhost despite:
>> halinka ~ # distcc-config --get-hosts
>> Where of course localhost !=
>> Any ideas what am I doing wrong ?
> I think you need to add a line to your compile hosts like:
> localhost/0
> I believe this informs distcc not to try to compile on the local host
> at all but use the remote hosts.
> Dave
Will be great but no effect :|

halinka disttestfield # distcc-config --set-hosts localhost/0
halinka disttestfield # distcc-config --get-hosts localhost/0
halinka disttestfield # /usr/lib/distcc/bin/gcc test.c
distcc[8705] (dcc_trace_version) distcc 2.18.3 i686-pc-linux-gnu; built
Feb  1 2006 00:53:26
distcc[8705] (dcc_recursion_safeguard) safeguard level=0
distcc[8705] (main) compiler name is "gcc"
distcc[8705] (dcc_support_masquerade) not modifying PATH
distcc[8705] (dcc_scan_args) scanning arguments: gcc test.c
distcc[8705] (dcc_scan_args) found input file "test.c"
distcc[8705] (dcc_scan_args) compiler apparently called not for compile
distcc[8705] (dcc_lock_host) got cpu lock on localhost slot 0 as fd3
distcc[8705] exec on localhost: gcc test.c
distcc[8705] (dcc_note_state) note state 5, file "test.c", host "localhost"
distcc[8705] (dcc_spawn_child) forking to execute: gcc test.c
distcc[8706] (dcc_increment_safeguard) setting safeguard:
distcc[8705] (dcc_spawn_child) child started as pid8706
distcc[8705] (dcc_collect_child) cc child 8706 terminated with status 0
distcc[8705] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.066989s, system
0.031995s, 2135 minflt, 0 majflt
distcc[8705] compile test.c on localhost completed ok
distcc[8705] elapsed compilation time 0.099775s
distcc[8705] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.000999 user 0.002999 sys;
children: 0.066989 user 0.031995 sys
distcc[8705] (dcc_cleanup_tempfiles) deleted 0 temporary files

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