
* Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06-02-02 10:04]:

thanks for reply!

> Segfaults compiling are almost always a hardware issue. memtest86 is
> just about useless today, as it cannot detect problems due to dma or
> memory timings.
> Try the memtest script available at:
> http://people.redhat.com/dledford/memtest.html

I ran it twice yesterday and it didn't print anything on stdout which
means that those tests passed.

I've also run it today with NR_PASSES=10:

[36] % ./memtest.sh
./memtest.sh  288.38s user 441.55s system 9% cpu 2:01:45.25 total

> The other thing I would try is to take out the -mmmx, -msse2, and
> -mfpmath=sse flags.  They will be enabled for those ebuilds where it
> is safe to do so by the USE flags.

Doh, I forgot to say in the original post that I've already tried
removing those flags, but that, unfortunately, didn't help. :(

I'm still not able to compile the newest avidemux, k3b, kpdf, amarok...

Isn't that strange that _all_ C compiles (including some bigger apps
like kernel, mplayer, glib, gtk+) went fine apart from only few C++'s
(I think two)? If I have a hardware issue, how come that compilation of
those programs always break, and always on the same file and line of
certain source?

Please, any more tips, advices?

Daniel Vrcic
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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