Adrian wrote:
> I emerged libbonobo, and bonobo.  Didn't help anything.

You do use --oneshot when re-emerging something.  It doesn't matter 
for now, but it keeps your dependencies from getting tangled up 
later on.

> All prepared. Starting rebuild...
> emerge --oneshot -p -v =gnome-base/control-center-2.8.1-r1
> =gnome-base/gnome-applets- =media-video/transcode-0.6.11

Oof.  Yours is an old system.  The 2.8.* series were phased out 
seven months ago.  Okay, first do an 'emerge --sync', then

  emerge --oneshot transcode control-center gnome-applets

This will update those package to more recent versions.  Then remove 
the .revdep* files and do a revdep-rebuild again. If all libraries 
are okay now, then

  emerge -Dua world

And then see if abiword is working again.  Make sure you don't have 
things in /etc/portage/package.mask or similar files that could get 
in the way of the recent stable packages.

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