> i was trying to reinstall gentoo after i changed harddrives but i have
> a little time problem i cant' keep my system unusable for more then an
> hour i have windows XP and i have write support to my ext3 partitions
> is there a way i can use cygwin to install the sytem? it's probably
> impossible but i just want to make sure.

If you can mount the ext3 partition in cygwin and you can use wget
then I dont see why you can't do so, setup the basic system and then
see if you can chroot it. I havent used cygwin extensively though.

Lets us know how it progresses. I would be quite interested.

Ryan Viljoen Bsc(Eng) (Electrical)

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level
of thinking with which we created them."
  - Albert Einstein

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