K. Mike Bradley wrote:
Here is the script:

You haven't read the documentation for Gentoo rc-scripts. This script was likely developed for a different distribution, for example Debian. Gentoo rc-scripts require, in addition to start() and stop(), a checkconfig() function that lets the rc services know what services this one requires. You'll need to either manually figure out the dependencies and add a checkconfig(), or simply add 'webservice.sh start &' to /etc/conf.d/local.start and 'webservice.sh stop &' to /etc/conf.d/local.stop as another poster recommended.

To learn more about rc-scripts and their required functions, run '/etc/init.d/webservice.sh help' (or any service in /etc/init.d).

Also, the script as provided seems to expect to be run from a certain CWD with your JRE relative to there. This is unlikely to work on Gentoo, especially given Gentoo's use of java-config to support different JREs.
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