On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 18:57 -0600, Harry Putnam wrote:
> James Ausmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The KDE package that utlizes a samba USE flag is:
> >
> > kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves
> >
> > What do the USE flags show for it if you do an emerge -pv kdebase-kioslaves?
> Looks like cups is another that uses samba flag.
> Running emerge -vp -uD --newuse on kdebase-kioslaves and cups doesn't
> show any dependancies though.   So I'm recompiling those two.
> That should fix things right?

It doesn't necessarily need to show any new dependencies to make use of
a new use flag.

for example, following is gnome-vfs with and without the samba and smb
use flags.  As you can see, only one package is isntalled in both
occasions, but the behaviour of that package is different:

$ USE="-samba -smb" emerge -pv gnome-vfs
[ebuild   R   ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.12.2  USE="hal ipv6 ssl -debug -doc 
-gnutls -howl -samba*" 0 kB

$ USE="samba smb" emerge -pv gnome-vfs
[ebuild   R   ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.12.2  USE="hal ipv6 samba ssl -debug 
-doc -gnutls -howl" 0 kB

so just because you don't see any dependencies doesn't mean you won't
get the new behaviour.

It is strange though that a `emerge --newuse -p world` didn't show
anything to be remerged...
Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

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