Daevid Vincent schreef:
> Whoa. Check out this demo of a new OpenGL X desktop. IMHO it blows away the
> Mac OS/X
> http://www.freedesktop.org/~davidr/xgl-demo1.xvid.avi
> Anyone have any other info on when this will be available? How does it work?
> It looks like they're just using Gnome. Will it work with KDE too?
> I want it now!
Oh. My. God.


(thanks for the heads-up, Daevid, certainly that video was worth seeing!)

More questions... what kind of a rig is that (will it run on my fairly
ordinary box? Will it run with the *&%%^ ati drivers?)?

Oh. My.


Heck, I'd run GNOME again if that was the only way to get that, I don't
bloody care. I like GNOME anyway.

*Finally*, eye-candy worthy of the name!!!

Oh, how many people could I begin converting to Linux if they saw my
desktop doing *that*...?!!?

Bite me, Vista!!!

off to the forums to read the giant thread.

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