Hi list.

I have a problem and maybe it is simple to use. But consider I am a
Debian renegade, searching for protection under Gentoo Roof ...   :)

I have the following Disc Configuration:

/dev/hda = CDROM
/dev/hdb = Hard Disk

After hours of pain, I decided to start gentoo all in memory, using
"gentoo docache" string at minimun CD start. After that, all the steps
went fine.

Following Gentoo handbook, I did the following:

/dev/hdb1 -> /boot
/dev/hdb2 -> swap
/dev/hdb3 -> /

During the start of installation, I did as recommended in handbook:

/mnt/gentoo  -> /
/mnt/gentoo/boot  -> /boot

Then, kindly selected GRUB, and did this simple /boot/grub.conf file:

default 0
timeout 0

title Gentoo Linux 2.6.12.gentoo-r10
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/2.6.12-gentoo-r10 root=/dev/hdb3

After this, I tried to exec

grub-install (hd0)

And a message points that "/dev/hdb1 doe not have any corresponding
BIOS drive". So I did it by GRUB itself.

Now, I start the computer, and receive the following messages:

GRUB Loading stage1.5   -> here I wait several minutes, and the HD is working
GRUB loading, please wait  -> here I wait much more.

As I see, I am having troubles with GRUB itself, not Gentoo. Can
Somebody show me what could be done ?


Gilberto Martins

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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