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Daniel D Jones wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 February 2006 21:14, Harm Geerts wrote:
>> On Wednesday 08 February 2006 15:45, Daniel D Jones wrote:
>>> I have kdebase-3.5.1-r1 installed.  Why is kdm-3.5.1 blocked?  Surely
>>> kdebase is a requirement for kdm, and it makes no sense to say that
>>> kdm-3.5.1 needs an earlier version of kdebase, does it?  I'm probably
>>> missing some fundamental understanding of what's going on here.  Thanks
>>> for any assistance.
>> See the other replies for the monolithic ebuild explanation.
> Have done so.  Thanks to all who replied.
>> kdm is part of the kdebase package, the only thing you need to do to use
>> kdm is set DISPLAYMANAGER in /etc/rc.conf
>> # echo 'DISPLAYMANAGER="kdm"' >> /etc/rc.conf
> The "which" command (as root) wasn't showing me kdm, so I assumed it wasn't 
> installed.  (/usr/kde/3.5/bin isn't in the path for the root user.  I assume 
> this is normal?)
> I've now modified /etc/rc.conf to use kdm.  But I now have a problem.  if I 
> log in through kdm, kde 3.3 runs.  However if I kill kdm, log into the 
> console, and manually run "startx", kde 3.5 runs.  (I have "exec startkde" in 
> my ~/.xinitrc.)  

I don't have the KDM login window in front of me, but you should find
the pull down options button or something. There should be a "session
type" or something option there and you can choose what sort of session
you want, KDE 3.4, KDE 3.5, console session... etc. The default option
will be to load whatever your previous session was, so manually
selecting a 3.5 session should mean that in future it will automatically
load that version. That's how it works for my slotted 3.4/3.5 install

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