Michael Vince wrote:
Hi all,
I just installed Gentoo on my laptop after having FreeBSD as my desktop for a long time. I felt Gentoo would be my best shot at using and enjoying a Linux distribution for my desktop, as Gentoo promises a lot of freedom and choice. All up its pretty darn good but I have to say I am a bit disappointed with the Tomcat/Apache/Java choices Gentoo portage has to offer.

The main reason I am interested in Gentoo Linux was the fact I can use a Java supplied from Sun as an alternative to some of the FreeBSD native Java compiled via ports with Tomcat. I have servers running under Apache2.0.55 and Apache2.2.0 with Tomcat 5.5.x

My main problems are there is not a full set of choices of Apache that being just 1.3.x or Apache 2.0.x and no Apache 2.2.x. Apache 2.2.x has some great new features like a built in AJP module for linking Tomcat and Apache together with out needing the external mod_ajp module. Secondly there is only Tomcat 5.0.x in portage, in FreeBSD there is Tomcat3,Tomcat4,Tomcat41, Tomcat5 and Tomcat55 I do have to admit I think I will be happy with even just 1 Java in Linux since I know it comes from Sun for Linux which I expecting should be of a good quality. Believe it or not but doing a 'cd /usr/ports/java/; ls | grep -c jdk" in FreeBSD returns a count of 15 Java choices, admittedly half of then being the Linux ones for use via the Linux kernel emulation.

I installed Gentoo on my laptop with a bit of excitement and was going to start doing some benchmarks and testing with Apache 2.2 and Tomcat 5.5 just to find I will have to start manually building it all and manually installing it all my self.

My question is does any one have any idea of when Apache projects such as Tomcat 5.5 and Apache 2.2 will be in portage?

with a little searching:
Apache 2.2 status: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114232#c9
Tomcat 5.5 status: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75224#c26

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