On Tuesday 14 February 2006 00:35, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> Welcome to my post, and remember to leave your flamewars at the door :)
> I've just installed KDE for the first time in a couple of years.  It
> seems to have come a long way.
> However, I have some eye candy I want to bring from Gnome - transparent
> konsole is the first.

turn on transparency in controll center (Arbeitsfläche is the menupoint ins 
german, shouild be desktop in english, below it, there is 'window properties' 
or so, where you can turn on transparency) After that, you can adjust the 
transparency global in controll center, and for each window with a right 
click on its title bar 

> Secondly, I start konsole with the following command (from another
> konsole):
> konsole --geometry -0-0

it works with 
konsole -geometry 0x0
konsole -geometry +0+0

see the singe - ?

> what's going on?!!

- not --

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