On 17 February 2006 15:32, James wrote:
> Uwe Thiem <uwix <at> iway.na> writes:
> > > Hey, this is cool, do you have an example 'ip-up' config file?
> >
> > My customised part of ip-up looks like this:
> <snip>
> > Doesn't matter whether it uses a modem, just a serial line or any other
> > media, /etc/ppp/ip-up is executed as soon as the two ppp processes have
> > established an IP connection.
> This is cool, I realized that I had not actually emerged ppp so that's
> why /etc/ppp/ip-up was missing. Thanks for the examples, I should be
> all set now.

Actually, I forgot something. You said you used ppp for connections to 
embedded devices not on the Internet. So you probably want to do different 
things depending on which device you connect to.

Since the fifth parameter ($5) ip-ip gets called with is the remote IP address 
you can base on that parameter which part of ip-up is executed.


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