On 17 February 2006 17:35, Marco Calviani wrote:
> Hi Uwe,
> > Yes, it is. You can use genkernel to create your initrd without haven
> > used it for the kernel itself.
> i would like to thank you very much for your help. Effectively the
> system is working now. Thanks again.


> Since we're here and you're expert in this field, i would like to ask
> you if, like me, you experience problem in deleting the
> /etc/splash/default symlink:
> # rm -rf default/
> rm: cannot remove `default/': Not a directory

Now, this is interesting and intriguing. ;-)

First of all, what filesystem are you using? Ext2/ext3?

Secondly, would you please do a "ls -ld default" from the same place you did 
the "rm"? And, of course, post the output? I have an idea what this might be 


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