On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 14:34 -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
> Just an update;
> I unmasked and emerged vbetool-0.3 and it installed and emerged just 
> fine.  I configured the /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf script to use it 
> and now it works, but only if I use the hibernate command.  If I use 
> kde's klaptop monitor, it doesn't seem to use the hibernate script, 
> meaning no video after suspend, and no network cards after hibernate.  
> Is there anything I can do to get it to read that script?

I don't actually have klaptop working properly yet (tells me there is no
ACPI support...)

But, I suspect that klaptop uses swsusp, not suspend2.

If this is the case, there was talk on the suspend2 list for overriding
that somehow (just looking through emails now...)

The proposal was to be able to:

$ echo "/sbin/hibernate" > /proc/suspend2/override_swsusp

to set your "suspend type" and then:

$ echo disk > /sys/power/state

would use the hibernate script.

I don't know if this is implemented yet.  Also, some kde person may tell
you that klaptop can support whatever method of suspend you want - I
don't know.

I just suspend from a terminal anyway :)

Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it
                -- Publius Terentius Afer (Terence)

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