Am Samstag, 25. Februar 2006 04:22 schrieb Zac Slade:
> On Friday 24 February 2006 09:12, Alexander Puchmayr wrote:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > I'm wondering why dts and aac sound coming from DVD is perfectly
> > transmitted over the spdif port (the A/V receiver recognizes the format
> > ans switches to dts/dolby mode, and -- much important -- I can hear the
> > movie's sound); But if I try the same with a "normal" divx-file or try
> > to play anything else, nothing comes out over the spdif port, only via
> > the analog audio jacks I can hear something.
> What program is playing back the DVD?  Is this different from the player
> playing the "other" media files?
> Since something can play out the spdif port then it might be important to
> look at that program's setup for audio output.  What device is it using
> etc. --

Finally, I found out *what* really went wrong.

I was using freevo with default settings, which uses xine for playing dvds 
and mplayer for playing avi/mp3/whatever. So, I setup xine as desired and 
where happy that dvds worked fine.

I did not expect that freevo starts mplayer for playing nearly everything 
else, so I did not check the config, and viola: mplayer was configured to 
use oss. This was bad enough to make the alsa driver muting the spdif and 
only using analog output, even when using some other software for playing 
sound. This was where I gave up yesterday.

After finding out which programs where really used, I 
checked /etc/freevo/ and configured mplayer correctly to use 
alsa. Now spdif and analog output works as it should :-))

Thanks and greetings
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