On Saturday 25 February 2006 16:22, a tiny voice compelled John Blinka to 
> Ernie Schroder wrote:
> >On Saturday 25 February 2006 14:25, a tiny voice compelled John Blinka to
> >
> >write:
> >>Does anyone know what's wrong?  None of my other machines does this.
> >>
> >>Thanks for your help.
> >
> >Have you tried a different browser? Try restarting cupsd
> >
> ># /etc/init.d/cupsd restart
> Same thing happens using either Konqueror or Firefox on this machine.
> Doesn't happen with either browser on other machines I've set up.
> Restarting cupsd has no effect.
> John

Make sure that you have the file:


and that it opens as a webpage in a browser Of course I'm assuming that other 
html pages display properly.
Regards, Ernie
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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