Running an authoritative name server on a small home lan as training
exercise. And using DNS and Bind 4th ed as a guide.

A quick sketch of this network(There are more hosts on it
but for simplicity):

(All have prefix 192.168 and netmask

                       | (Dynamic IP)
                    NETGEAR (consumer grade router)
reader                  | 0.20                  fwobsd
  | 0.4            | 0.3          | 0.5            | 0.19
| | | | [ m1 ] [ m2 ] [ m3 ] [ m4 ]
  | 1.2                                            | 1.1
rdmz                                              fwdmz

So I have two networks here.. 192.168.0/24 and 192.168.1/24
M1 and M4 both have 2 nics and addresses in 192.168.0 and 192.168.1
as shown... (if mail doesn't mangle my asci production too bad.)

My problem is how to integrate 192.168.1/24 into my zone.files

The reverse-pointer zone.file for 192.168.1 is where the rub is.
I'm very inexperienced with routing in general and nameservers in
particular .... setting up a home lan nameserver is a training
exercise for me.

Where I get confused is what is the origin `@' for this zone?
Can I use `@' or need to spell out 192.168.1?
What happens to my domain... `local.lan' does it still cover what are
now really two numeric domains 192.168.0 and 192.168.1?

Here's a reverse zone file for my home network. It's 10.10.0/24
but you'll figure out how to tailor this to your needs.

# cat pri/

0       3600    IN      SOA     baikal.iproducts.test. 
root.baikal.iproducts.test. (
                20050421 3600 900 3600000 3600 )        ;Cl=5
        3600    IN      NS      baikal.iproducts.test.  ;Cl=5
2       3600    IN      PTR     volga.iproducts.test.   ;Cl=5
1       3600    IN      PTR     baikal.iproducts.test.  ;Cl=5
3       3600    IN      PTR     g40.iproducts.test.     ;Cl=5
;10     3600    IN      PTR     wisla.iproducts.test.   ;Cl=5

#cat named.conf

zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "pri/";
        allow-update    {


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