On 3/9/06, Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> eix <package>

*  app-portage/eix
      Latest version available: 0.3.0-r2
      Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
      Size of downloaded files: 281 kB
      Homepage:    http://eixwiki.unfoog.de
      Description: Small utility for searching ebuilds with indexing
for fast results
      License:     GPL-2

> > epm -ql

*  app-portage/epm
      Latest version available: 0.9.0
      Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
      Size of downloaded files: 10 kB
      Homepage:    http://www.gentoo.org/~agriffis/epm/
      Description: rpm workalike for Gentoo Linux
      License:     GPL-2

> Where are these trick tools found?

Answered ;) emerge -s <stuff>

> Maybe I'm way out of date but here is what I'd use:
> First  (equery is part of app-portage/gentoolkit)
>   (Go thru the man page of course)
> It has many of the same functions you may have used with rpm.
> o  See list of all *installed* software.
>    equery list
>   Browse available software that can be installed.
>   (esearch is found in app-portage/esearch)
>   esearch REGEX  to find stuff on you current portage tree.
>                  someone already posted the packages page for stuff
>                  that may not be on your tree yet.
> o   See what version of a particular software package is installed.
>    equery list <pkg>
> I also use a sometimes quicker way:
>    esearch <pkg> or REGEX  since esearch output also shows what is
>    installed and what is not.
> o   See if any new versions of *installed* software are available.
>    This would involve synching your portage tree which have much more
>    repercussions than you want so use the URL posted for packages.
> Here is another you will use a lot.  It works like:
>   rpm -f /path/file
>   equery belongs /path/file
> A quick way to find out what package contains a binary tool you
> already have installed.
> (an easy one)
> # equery belongs `which dd`
>   [ Searching for file(s) /usr/bin/dd in *... ]
>   sys-apps/coreutils-5.94-r1 (/usr/bin/dd -> /bin/dd)
> That gives you the address of the package this tool resides in on the
> portage tree (/usr/portage/ is dropped off the front end)
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Yours work too, and are a single package, I just found eix because it
is fast, and never heard of epm till this thread comes up, but it
seems great for ex-rpm users...

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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