On 3/14/06, dimOK Seletski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi guys, i have never done any posts before, so i am really unexperienced(a
> maillist virgin? ;) however, i have problem, more than one, like rest of
> us...

Well, welcome to the list, sorry, but I gotta say, you should post
stuff with a SUBJECT line regarding your problem, not a reply to the
automatic welcome message, I guess that's why you got no answers (at
least none to the list).

>  But problem i would like you to help me with is somehow related to gentoo,
> and particulary to gnome.
>  I am not good at searching information, but i tryed my best to find
> anything related to my problem.
>  The problem is, i use gdm(yeah!!! usually i start it manually, i am too
> lazy to add it into loading processes) and i try to load my gnome(yeaaah!!),
> but i can't load it(booo!!!!), it simply hangs after i see a window which
> shows progress of gnome being loading(none of icons appear, boo!!!). Steps
> made: upgraded to current version(--sync is 2 days old), upraded to
> experemental version, upgraded X to current version(2 days old). I have
> deleted Gnome configuration files from users directory still does not
> load(boo!!!!), "custom choice" is loading(it looks a lot like clean X
> enviroment to me), but thats it(it did load before too). No mistakes in X
> output, so i am pretty confident it`s  gnome, any ideas?
>  In advance thanks for any reply.
>  P.S. if it is of any help: clocks applet caused problems before major
> problems started, not major problems, but who knows, may be it is somehow
> related...

Well, Its more a shot in the dark, but have you double checked file
permissions on your home directory? KDE and Gnome use to crash on me
because of that, but then I decided to use Fluxbox. Anyway, try chmod
and chgrp to make your home folder completely YOURS.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++

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