Timothy A. Holmes <tholmes <at> mcaschool.net> writes:

> Hi Folks:
> I am getting ready to start a project here in the building to map the
> physical infrastructure of our network (its been assembled kinda willy
> nilly over the last 8 years or so).  I am looking for a program to run
> on my laptop that I can plug into a wall plate and it will cause the
> port activity lights on the switch to blink distinctly so that I can
> begin tracing plugs to ports.  Due to budgetary constraints, open source
> / freeware is very very preferable.

check out jffnms, it's in portage now and works with a very large
array of routers, switches, snmp, and other devices/portocols.

There is also an excellent installation/configuration page:

The docs are new, and there is a jffnms.org support group. I have
yet to see, Javier fail to provide a monitoring solution for 
any sort of device you may have. As one that builds/noodles
with all sorts of ethernet attached hardware, jffnms rules.



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