On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 10:07:10 -0700, Richard Fish wrote:

> To use them later, specify the --usepkg/--usepkgonly options to
> emerge.  For example, I currently have portage-2.1_pre3-r1 through
> portage-2.1_pre6-r2 packages.  If I have a problem with pre6-r2, and
> want to quickly downgrade, I can do something like:
> emerge --oneshot --usepkgonly =sys-apps/portage-2.1_pre5-r4
> This is really useful for large packages that take a long time to
> compile, like X, KDE, or openoffice.org.

It's also useful if a new version of a critical package screws your
system, like glibc, gcc, python or portage. You can untar the package
directly into the root filesystem to get a functional system back, then
use "emerge --usepkg" after to do it properly (otherwise portage will
think the new version is still installed).

Neil Bothwick

Windows NT is the OS of the future and always will be...

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