On Wednesday 15 March 2006 12:48, Michael Sullivan 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about '[gentoo-user] OT - I've built my 
cross-compilation environment; now what?':
> I've succeeded in building a cross-compilation environment for an i586
> on an i686 via crossdev, but I'm unsure how to use it.  Can anyone help
> me?  There are no docs for crossdev in /usr/share/doc, no man pages for
> it that I can find, and no info pages.  I looked at the log files

Good luck finding solid cross-compilation documentation for /any/ 
environment.  That's black magic only practiced by high-geeks. ;)  Even 
they avoid it when possible because of the high toll on the practitioners 
sanity. ;)

Most of us only use the cross-compilation toolchain for such geek-bishop 
activities as distcc.

> crossdev created when I ran it and I see things like this:
> >>> emerge (1 of 1) cross-i586-gnu-linux/gcc-3.4.5-r1 to /
> But when I try to emerge things myself for the environment, emerge
> doesn't know what I'm talking about:
> camille ~ # emerge cross-i586-gnu-linux/mysql
> Calculating dependencies
> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "cross-i586-gnu-linux/mysql".

It's not quite that easy.  You may need to change your make.conf, 
make.profile, and /etc/portage to correct values for the TARGET 
architecture (emerge will still use them and a -march=i686 will ruin the 
packages you build, even if you use i586-pc-linux-gnu-gcc to build them), 
then make sure and run emerge with the ROOT in your environment set to 
where you want the alternate installation rooted.

Check out http://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/CROSS-COMPILE-HOWTO .  Specifically 
the very bottom (Step 9) where he talks about installing stuff.

WARNING: I've heard some ebuilds don't respect ROOT and/or that ROOT is 
ignored if you try and specify it in make.conf.

NB: The cross-* categories are only for the toolchain.  Other packages 
don't use their category for cross-compiling.

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh
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