On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 08:31:14 +0100, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:

> Gentoo was once VERY up to date, but than the 'stable mania' started
> and since then, gentoo needs way to much time to get new versions into
> the stable tree.

That's because stable is for people who consider stable more important
than new. They don't want to be continually updating their systems. No
one is forcing anyone to run a stable KDE, although it would make life
easier if it were possible to put "kde-base/* ~arch" in portage.keywords.

Gentoo is still VERY up to date, but only for those who choose the very
up to date option.

All the same, KDE 3.5.1 has been out for almost two months (I can
understand the reticence in marking a .0 release stable) with very few
patches applied. Considering the number of people that are using it
successfully, that does seem rather a long time. However, Gentoo is a
volunteer distro, and KDE is a BIG set of packages, it may simply be
that there are not enough people available to work on the hundreds of
ebuilds involved.

Neil Bothwick

Assassins do it from behind.

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